What my Garden Taught me in 2020

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The garden is a powerful teacher. But in my garden in 2020 one lesson has stood out more than any other: Do it, whatever it is, even if it isn’t perfect. 

I know I don’t have to tell you the many, MANY, ways that life has changed as a result of the coronavirus pandemic in 2020. Lives upended, plans cancelled, jobs lost… the list goes on. With the stress and anxiety I felt of working in healthcare in the middle of the pandemic the garden became even more of my sanctuary than before. But that doesn’t mean all went according to plan with my garden schedule. In fact, with everything going on this year, my gardening plans were more of a mess than ever before. Seeds not ordered until when I would normally plant, succession plantings completely missed, and fall seeds started WEEKS later than they should have been, with that first frost just getting closer and closer. 

So what did I do with my garden plans in complete shambles? I did it anyway. Late ordering? Many seeds out of stock? Changed orders and placed them anyways. Late seed starting? Started them anyway. Missed my planting window? (Many, MANY times over) Planted anyways. 

None of it was perfect. And this coming from a major overachieving perfectionist. But I did it anyway. And you know what? For the most part it all worked out. Harvests were delayed, sure. And plants weren’t as large going into fall as I’d like. But I did get a harvest. And my fall plants are still doing well. It wasn’t perfect or according to plan, but I did it anyway.

The year of 2020 brought so many changes. But it’s also brought out so many good qualities in mankind. This year wasn’t perfect, it wasn’t what we asked for, but we did it anyways. So cheers to the messy and imperfect year that was 2020, and to our gardens. They weren’t perfect, but I’m so proud that we did it anyways. 

I’d love to hear from you, and your biggest lesson your garden has taught you! Leave me a comment below to share - I’d love to know what you think!

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