Grow Sow Happy
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With everything you have going on, it’s hard to remember your grocery list, never mind the details of growing your vegetable crops. You can pull out your phone to look up information, but that becomes a pain having to remove your garden gloves off and on (and off and on, off and on, off and on!). And if you’re like me (and kind of a butter-fingers!) you don’t want to risk dropping your phone in the garden! And garden books are great, but personally I hate to get my books dirty, and they’re heavy to tote around. But you need to know - Were those plants supposed to be 6” or 12” apart? Are carrots okay near tomatoes? When is the best time to harvest your peppers?

The Growers Reference Cards solve this issue for you with easy-to-carry, dirt-resistant cards with all of the information you need from sowing to harvest.

What’s Included?


Each Set Includes:

  • 13 cards: a title card, “Key” card, crop rotation guide, and 10 of the most common home garden vegetables (beans, carrots, corn, cucumbers, lettuce, onions, peas, peppers, squash and tomatoes

  • Ring for easy carrying

Cards are sealed in compostable, eco-friendly wrapping

The Garden Reference Cards will be released for purchase on November 1st - be sure to subscribe below so you don’t miss the announcement, information and sales!

Frequently Asked Questions

 Is there a card for each type of cucumber (or corn, tomato, etc)?

No, because it’s not needed. Let’s look at tomatoes for an example. Although there are many different types of tomatoes - slicers, paste tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, etc - they all have the same basic growing needs. When there are differences between these types, such as spacing or pruning/support needs, that information is shown within that section of the card.

Can I wash the cards off after using in the garden?

To clean your cards after a gardening session just use a slightly damp towel to remove dirt and grime. Do not submerge them or spray them directly with water.

Will these cards help me choose what to grow in my area?

In a way, yes - these cards contain all of the details you need to know if a crop will work in your garden, such as light and soil requirements, spacing, etc. But these cards are not meant to limit you. Instead, these cards take the vegetables that you want to grow, and help you plan for the best time to plant them in your unique garden area for the best gardening success.

What if I don’t want to start my own plants from seed, but instead plan to purchase transplants from my local nursery?

These cards will still work for you! In the “Getting Started” section you’ll see color-coded guides to help you know when to plant. For transplanting outdoors follow the timeline suggested by the green bar.

I’m several weeks past the transplant/plant out window suggested on the cards. Can I still plant my vegetables?

More than likely, Yes! The timelines shown in the “Getting Started” section are the earliest that it’s recommended to start your vegetables. You are welcome to plant them any time after this as well, just be mindful of the estimated time to harvest and the time remaining in your garden season. If a crop will take 60 days to harvest from planting, but you only have 30 days left in that growing season, you likely won’t be able to have a successful outcome. Also remember that some crops have very specific temperature preferences - carrots, for example, decrease in quality once soil temperatures are above 70F, so you don’t want to plant these late into summer. These details and recommendations are included on each card.

Will there be more vegetable cards in the future?

Yes! The current release includes the top 10 most popular home garden vegetables, but future releases will include additional vegetables, herbs, berries, maybe even decorative flowers and more!
